Sep 16Liked by Maryann Jacobsen

Thank you so much for sharing this information x

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You're welcome!

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Sep 15Liked by Maryann Jacobsen

This is so much great information, and new to me! I was on bc pills until a year ago which I think impacted my mood, so it’s been interesting to learn how my nervous system behaves without that in the mix. At 43, there is so much else to consider as well! Thank you!

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Thanks Courtney! It's probably a good time to go of bc pills so you can figure this out well before menopause.

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Aug 22Liked by Maryann Jacobsen

Great read, thank you! Just started taking B12 supplements recently and am also a little bit iron deficient. Doc told me I don’t need iron supplements but I’ve been anaemic on and off all my life so I think I’ll look into it more again.


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Thanks! Check out my Biomarker Guide where I discuss iron and feel free to ask me any questions.

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Great article! And so overlooked, a much missing piece of the support needed to get through perimenopause. I believe this is why so many of us find ourselves in burnout and perhaps why HRT doesn’t do all that some people hope.

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Thanks Sophie! I think you’re right.

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This was a really great article! This is one piece that, as humans, we don't understand enough of until it's too late. I would have had a much easier time with my early perimenopause experience had I known all of this. I had to figure it all out on my own as information back then (7 years ago and still in peri) was non-existent. Once a person understands this, I feel like the secrets of the universe are unlocked.

I'm glad I found this, and I'll link to it in an upcoming article. I talk about the nervous system all the time now, but the more women hear this from various people, the more it will sink in.

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Thanks Shelby, I appreciate it. You're right that the more we talk about it, the better.

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Jul 30Liked by Maryann Jacobsen

I am the same, wish I had known this instead of going through this experience blind!

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Great article. I could relate to so much of my own experience.

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Thanks Jennifer. Me too. Wish someone would've warned me!

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Jul 30Liked by Maryann Jacobsen

I just sent you a message on IG. Would love to have you on the podcast to chat about this.

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