I had pernicious anaemia due to autoimmune-intrinsic factor antibodies when I was 18. I’ve been on B12 shots every 6 weeks since then, sometimes I stretch it out, but always get tingly lips and pins and needles in my hands and feet when I leave it too long. I had my B12levels tested Oct 2024 they were low normal. Then I asked for my IF antibodies to be retested Feb 2025, the Dr said there was no indication and she refused to give me a renewal of my prescription stating that my levels were normal last time they checked. It’s wild. Currently searching for a new GP. The medical system in NZ is broken.
I was diagnosed w Pernicious Anemia last Fall. Yes, I had the swollen tongue, neuropathy in feet, extreme fatigue and some dizziness & headache. All have improved significantly.
But, my vision, especially distance, has changed. Saw doc yesterday. I have cataracts. Any link w pernicious. I'm almost 64.
So many health issues seem to be related to my B12 deficiency. My B12 is back to normal, but I'll always have pernicious anemia.
It began as neuropathy in my feet. Most of this has resolved. Sore tongue, for the most part resolved, vertigo/low grade headache/dizziness, much improved, incontinence of bladder, significantly improved, extreme fatigue- much better. I am scheduled for a hysterectomy on March 3 due to spotting. I had a D & C about a year ago, but not fully resolved and I've had enough. I truly believe this is related to B12 deficiency, too, but I also have fibroids. Thank you for your knowledge & thoughts.
Based on a quick search, there appears to be a relationship, particularly with high homocysteine levels. However, there are no studies indicating that taking B12 specifically helps relieve symptoms. Some research suggests that supplements containing certain nutrients may help slow the progression of cataracts. You may want to ask your doctor about it. (AREDS/AREDS2) https://www.nei.nih.gov/research/clinical-trials/age-related-eye-disease-studies-aredsareds2/about-areds-and-areds2
Finally! Someone writing about Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS)! A friend of mine was diagnosed with this syndrome in her late 60s, and it sounded just awful listening to her describe it. And when I asked what her doctors suggested to treat it, she just shrugged her shoulders and said they didn't really know anything to do, and that she would just have to live with it. It's good to know there are options should any of us find ourselves with burning tongues. Thank you for always doing a deep dive into topics that you write about; it's part of what I love about reading your stacks!
I remember back when I started practicing medicine that many of my patients at my little clinic would come in for their B12 shots that had been ordered by the previous doctor. Most refused to stop ("I feel so much better after my shot"), and I now wonder if we were doing more good than harm. To be honest, I feel a bit less brain foggy now that I have been taking a B12 sublingual tablet 3 times a week.
Nowadays, with everyone on an acid-blocking agent or on a vegan diet, B12 deficiency has got to be rampant.
Thanks for your content Maryann. You are pretty much the only blogger I have followed consistently for many years, starting with advice on helping my kid's picky eating. I have bought a number of your books, and look forward to your midlife strong one. I was wondering if you have considered that your audience is international, and different countries use different units for blood tests. For example, in New Zealand B12 blood test results are in pmol/L with the reported healthy range 80-675. For your biomarker guide, could you offer alternative units too?
Thanks Bec. That is a good point. Often, several different units are used and it gets confusing. I will consider that change in my next update and when I write. Thanks so much!
I had pernicious anaemia due to autoimmune-intrinsic factor antibodies when I was 18. I’ve been on B12 shots every 6 weeks since then, sometimes I stretch it out, but always get tingly lips and pins and needles in my hands and feet when I leave it too long. I had my B12levels tested Oct 2024 they were low normal. Then I asked for my IF antibodies to be retested Feb 2025, the Dr said there was no indication and she refused to give me a renewal of my prescription stating that my levels were normal last time they checked. It’s wild. Currently searching for a new GP. The medical system in NZ is broken.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you find the help you need!
I was diagnosed w Pernicious Anemia last Fall. Yes, I had the swollen tongue, neuropathy in feet, extreme fatigue and some dizziness & headache. All have improved significantly.
But, my vision, especially distance, has changed. Saw doc yesterday. I have cataracts. Any link w pernicious. I'm almost 64.
So many health issues seem to be related to my B12 deficiency. My B12 is back to normal, but I'll always have pernicious anemia.
It began as neuropathy in my feet. Most of this has resolved. Sore tongue, for the most part resolved, vertigo/low grade headache/dizziness, much improved, incontinence of bladder, significantly improved, extreme fatigue- much better. I am scheduled for a hysterectomy on March 3 due to spotting. I had a D & C about a year ago, but not fully resolved and I've had enough. I truly believe this is related to B12 deficiency, too, but I also have fibroids. Thank you for your knowledge & thoughts.
You're welcome and good luck with your procedure!
Thank you
Based on a quick search, there appears to be a relationship, particularly with high homocysteine levels. However, there are no studies indicating that taking B12 specifically helps relieve symptoms. Some research suggests that supplements containing certain nutrients may help slow the progression of cataracts. You may want to ask your doctor about it. (AREDS/AREDS2) https://www.nei.nih.gov/research/clinical-trials/age-related-eye-disease-studies-aredsareds2/about-areds-and-areds2
Finally! Someone writing about Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS)! A friend of mine was diagnosed with this syndrome in her late 60s, and it sounded just awful listening to her describe it. And when I asked what her doctors suggested to treat it, she just shrugged her shoulders and said they didn't really know anything to do, and that she would just have to live with it. It's good to know there are options should any of us find ourselves with burning tongues. Thank you for always doing a deep dive into topics that you write about; it's part of what I love about reading your stacks!
Thanks Susan! I hope your friend finds a solution!
I remember back when I started practicing medicine that many of my patients at my little clinic would come in for their B12 shots that had been ordered by the previous doctor. Most refused to stop ("I feel so much better after my shot"), and I now wonder if we were doing more good than harm. To be honest, I feel a bit less brain foggy now that I have been taking a B12 sublingual tablet 3 times a week.
Nowadays, with everyone on an acid-blocking agent or on a vegan diet, B12 deficiency has got to be rampant.
Yeah I think it's a lot more common than medical professionals think. And why they don't require testing on people taking PPIs is beyond me!
Thanks for your content Maryann. You are pretty much the only blogger I have followed consistently for many years, starting with advice on helping my kid's picky eating. I have bought a number of your books, and look forward to your midlife strong one. I was wondering if you have considered that your audience is international, and different countries use different units for blood tests. For example, in New Zealand B12 blood test results are in pmol/L with the reported healthy range 80-675. For your biomarker guide, could you offer alternative units too?
Thanks Bec. That is a good point. Often, several different units are used and it gets confusing. I will consider that change in my next update and when I write. Thanks so much!
Thanks for sharing your story!