The healthcare system failed me as my white coat hypertension turned into blood pressure phobia. Why we all need to understand what it takes to get an accurate blood pressure reading.
Thank you so much for this, we start to feel crazy when this happens. I can’t tell you the amount of times the nurse would talk to me and asks me questions while taking it and I was told “that shouldn’t matter”. Or have been up on a table. I got one for at home as well. I took it one night and it was normal, I could feel myself getting anxious before a doctors appt the next morning and I took it and it was elevated. I knew it was my anxiety. I had one drs office make me feel like I was going to die, I was full on crying and panicking. And that’s what kicked it off for me. I’ve only ever had one nurse make me feel ok about it. Funny story I now work in an office with that nurse! I actually told her about it and she said that the machines suck and shouldn’t even be used and they get inaccurate readings all the time, even if you aren’t anxious.
Thank you so much for this, we start to feel crazy when this happens. I can’t tell you the amount of times the nurse would talk to me and asks me questions while taking it and I was told “that shouldn’t matter”. Or have been up on a table. I got one for at home as well. I took it one night and it was normal, I could feel myself getting anxious before a doctors appt the next morning and I took it and it was elevated. I knew it was my anxiety. I had one drs office make me feel like I was going to die, I was full on crying and panicking. And that’s what kicked it off for me. I’ve only ever had one nurse make me feel ok about it. Funny story I now work in an office with that nurse! I actually told her about it and she said that the machines suck and shouldn’t even be used and they get inaccurate readings all the time, even if you aren’t anxious.
I'm sorry to hear that. It is such a huge and overlooked problem!
I just stumbled across your stack and just read two articles by you. I think we are the same person! Keep writing!
Thanks Heather!! Welcome 😍