Thanks so much again Maryann. Another brilliant article. Something else to put on the radar - gladly. Anita xx

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Thanks Anita!

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I needed this article in so many ways. This was incredible! Thank you! I know that the link between down the road heart issues and pregnancy complications is fairly new. It takes several years for the medical world to catch up when there have been new significant findings so I believe over time this will become more common knowledge.

I'm well versed in women's health but I learned about this connection originally from Dr Suzanne Gilbert-Lenz in her book, Menopause Bootcamp. Not from within my medical and health circles. It caught my eye because the statement applies to me.

Also, one last thing, I attended in person the last The Menopause Society Annual Meeting and they did stress the connection between hot flashes and heart risk. It was not taken lightly and presented very clearly.

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Thanks Shelby! I know the Menopause Society discusses heart risk and hot flashes but do they stress coronary microvascular disease?

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Hi Maryann! As promised, I did my review of the scientific abstracts from The Menopause Society '24 Annual Meeting, and my notes, and all I could find mentioned was either CHD or CVD; there was no mention of microvascular changes or CMD. Personally, I've only heard the term "non-obstructive coronary artery disease," so when I read your information further clarifying this, I found it extremely helpful.

There was one abstract submitted by Sara Murphy, MD at Kaiser Permanente regarding the new workflow they created in 2023 to identify CVD risk in obstetric patients. The 4 criteria they use are gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, menopause before 45, and preeclampsia. They did not mention what types of changes they were looking for specifically, just "CVD."

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I've never heard that mentioned specifically by them (I believe. This was was one of the reasons your article was so great - you gave it a name), but I'll look through my notes to see what complications they indicated. I can get back to you on Friday. Also, I'd love to link to this article in my Thursday article specifically for the information about hot flashes and heart risk and for its general greatness, if okay with you. Let me know.

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Thank you so much for this informative article about some of the misunderstood health risks women experience.

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Thanks Gail!

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Thank you so much. This is such a useful article. Based on current research is there anything in particular we should think about including in the annual physical if we’re currently symptom free?

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I plan to follow up on this post. CMD has traditional and non traditional risk factors. So keeping lipids in check, blood sugar, insulin resisstance etc. remains important. From what I've learned is thyroid dysfunction, high homocysteine, elevated uric acid and high CRP can be risk factors too. We need more research as there currently are not biomarkers or recommended treatment.

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It’s quite scary how under researched this area is. Very grateful it’s getting your attention

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Any benefit in taking supplements to increase NO?

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Not many studies as a treatment but as prevention it can be helpful. It needs to be from a reputable company like HumanN or Beet It Sport.

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