All great questions as usual. :) And this may be slightly off topic, but what about testosterone replacement therapy in midlife women as well? I keep hearing about how T hormone levels are also very important in women (albeit in much less amounts than men) for energy, libido, etc... but there is virtually no reliable research on how much, best absorption delivery, how often for midlife women, breast cancer/clotting risk factors and if T should given alone or with estrogen + progesterone is appropriate. And unless you live in a big city, hardly any HRT specialists are available to meet/discuss solutions and safety of HRT or just TRT for menopausal women, and even when you find one-- it's big $$$! It's all just so frustrating for us women who are in midlife looking for relief!

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I haven't looked into testosterone in a while, but if you have your ovaries, they still produce testosterone after menopause. Women who've had them removed are at higher risk for low testosterone. Best course of action would be to check your levels, including SBHG, to see where you are at and monitor. As well as check for symptoms of low testosterone, such as low libido. My hope is that online companies like Midihealth will expand and be available to everyone (If you are in the US). Here's a good Substack article on it https://vajenda.substack.com/p/testosterone-levels-dont-drop-sharply

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Thank you. My last blood hormone test (3 mos ago) revealed <10 ng/dL Testosterone. I was told that's way low for a women and the reason libido is in the tank. I was also told this low of T in menopausal women is common. I have no hot flashes, nor brain fog... just low energy and libido. Anyway, I'll check out the article you referenced...thanks.

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